Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ocean finale!

On the way home we stopped at a state park and enjoyed a rocky coast and lighthouse like we enjoyed in Maine.
lovely day for a sun dress at the ocean

the boys

the handsome Stevens' boys

looking good


a curtsey before a lighthouse

lovely girl
climbing fences

daddy is so funny 

family picture curtesy of a stranger. just lovely

last treat before the drive home (for those of us still awake)


  1. Beautiful photos, beautiful kiddos! Tell Lilly I love her dress! ;-)

  2. Oh I just love these! Great job! Tell Lilly auntie Kate likes the curtsy in the dress...very lovely. Tell Bruce he looks much smarter. What was the best part?
    Ollie, what a smile! Was it fun? ELLIOT! love your boston gear!
