Saturday, March 28, 2009

more bug light and friends

Checking out the view of the city
smiling girls
walking around, basking in the sunshine
isabel and her dad checking out the view
it was chilly, but well worth the sea air and sun!

Bug light and friends

Went to bug light (lighthouse and park) last weekend with our friends. There was a lot of running around in the sun!


Modeling my Mr. T start-up set (and cuter track suit)

my more sopisticated dress w/ bling styling...while creating art, of course

As strong and handsome as my dad

Cutie face

rocking brucie's t-shirt: As strong and handsome as my dad

two handsome boys!

outdoor fun

It's still chilly, but we get outside when we can to ride scooters/bikes/slings

Bat bike!

I got this awesome bat bike from auntie steph and uncle john a while ago. It has just now been nice enough out for daddy to set it up for me.


Three months old!

I turned three last week (slacker mom)

I really like eating my hands

I'm a smiley guy. I like to smile and coo and laugh. I charmed an entire set of mommies at Joker's playhouse yesterday. yeah, I'm adorable.

woo hoo three months old!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Mr Snowman

A few weekends ago I got to spend some outside time with mama at mummi and papa's
we built this snowman together. Mummi gave me the carrot. I kept throwing snow at mama and it took a while to make his head because I would take it off and throw it at mama
after it was built I wanted to knock it down. Because I am a boy :)

it was a lot of fun. especially when mama would throw me in a snowbank. ha ha I still laugh about it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ollie's mummi quilt

Look mummi made me my awesome quilt. It blue and totally amazing, and comfy too!

who could resist such a comfy looking quilt? (and getting their picture taken!)
Thanks mummi! (and note my amazing head control- I'm mighty)