Sunday, July 26, 2009

A walk by the ocean

The other night we went down by the bay, on the eastern promenade bike/walking trail for a family adventure.
our family parade- mama w/ ollie in Ergo pushing lily on her radio flyer bike..Brucie on plasma car and daddy on longboard. We amused MANY people and were quite happy ourselves!

how many ways can you ride a longboard?

skateboard chick


sweet girl

narrow gauge tracks

break time! see: Mama and Ollie also were really there :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bug light

We go to bug light lighthouse and park alot. We really enjoy it there.

we look through binoculars

um that might not work sweetie

frolic in the the ship monument

we do ALOT of running

and falling
and laughing!

we walk up the lighthouse
and take pictures sitting around its base, such adorable kids

Its a good time all around!

7 months old!

I turned 7 months old on monday.
I am always in motion. as soon as I wake up, I start trying to crawl. If you put me down sitting, I get into the army crawl position and tool around the room. I can really speed along the floors on my belly!
my sibs can really get me belly laughing
I'm so big! I eat blueberries and bananas and avocados as long as it has bb's or bananas in it. I LOVE my wheat free teether biscuits and don't love pears or eating solid food more than once a day. I'm 7 months of awesome!

and I'm very loved!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

busy working

Bruce spent most of his beach time doing the very important work of castle building. He could only be drawn to the water to collect it for building.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lily the mermaid

Gillian practicially turned into a mermaid she spent so much time running in the waves the other day!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Digging and searching

After berry picking it was picnic time at ft williams, then beach time.
Quick build a sandcastle!

later, after much frolicking in the water, our cousins taught us how to look for and collect snails (which stayed at the beach we promise)