Monday, August 27, 2012

Bruce turned 7

Bruce had a nice small birthday party with friends at a local playground last week.
dessert time

ice cream

waffle bowl 


good times

fun at the playground

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Relaxing at the Ocean

We've become big fans of beavertail state Park in RI since discovering it last month, so we stopped in for another visit yesterday after the zoo
soaking up the ocean air

hanging out with dad


going to explore

climbing fences

picnic on a hill, with a view of some boats

peaches and barges and tugboats, oh my!

so much for relaxing....

Brucie taking pictures...I was squinty but happy :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Roger Williams Zoo!

We visited the Roger Williams Zoo in RI today, it was good times!
just hanging out, near the elephants
As part of Bruce's birthday, we paid to have him and Lily feed the giraffes..
getting instructions on feeding the giraffe

excited (almost) birthday boy

zoo keeper bringing the food

Lily, FEEDING A Giraffe!!!

up close

look ma, I'm feeding a wild animal!

very happy boy (giraffes are his favorite animal)

can we bring them home?
tug of war with a giraffe

happy kids!

Brucie's birthday in NH

While In NH we celebrated Bruce's 7th (!) birthday early

ice cream sundae's at 11am. Sure! Why not

for $0.25 this piano plays itself!

grampie and his motorcycle

hanging out on the motorcycle

princess izzy

back at the grands' opening presents

More pictures of my kids being adorable in NH...
lovely flower girl

sporting boy

kicking a ball

loving the tractor

serious face

loving this ball

NH Family

Uncle Ben showing the Kids the military food kit. It gets hot without fire, ooohh ahhhh

Mr. Host, Uncle AL, fixing the princess crown. It might be Lily's but maybe it's his ;)

crazy uncle Phil and auntie April

grammie and Izzy

Great grammie and some of her great grandkids
the hostess Aunt Mary

Not a Bassett Family event without spades...