Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eliot's first birthday

After some lovely fall apple picking, last saturday, we had some cupcakes and ice cream in honor of Eliot being one.
that looks tasty!
this is the BEST EVER
mmmm frosting
classic Eliot happy face

baby kisses

some presents!
                                             Miss Leah's handmade awesomeness!
kisses from mama

our sweet baby boy!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Apple picking is half about the pictures anyway

More apple picking pictures, because Luke and the kids pick and I take a million photos, it's how I roll....
getting so big

leah and her boys in matching sweater vests, of course!

glad to see I'm not the only parent with a camera in my family's face :)

looking cool with a tasty apple

daddy talk 

you pick the up high ones Lily...or maybe not (wasn't into the heights after all)

mama and her baby

on the hay ride
another mama friend and her kiddos

hay maze, watch out Eliot!

chillin in the maze

The dynamic duo

Ollie has a best friend, Harvey, who came apple picking with us last saturday. The dynamic duo had a grand time...
hay ride

test tasting

dropped apples

what??? these are our first apples, promise!

climbing on the hay maze

big boys

funny boys!

Eliot is One!

Eliot turned one last Saturday. We had a little apple picking adventure in honor of his fall birthday!
first taste of donut...mmmm

bonding with brother

my apple

loving life!

hay ride

smooches form mama

Look who's one!

One is GREAT!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Robot Maine

We finished up Bruce's birthday celebrations in Maine last weekend. I secretly planned (with EXTENSIVE help from my SIL Steph, the grand pumba of cool cakes in the family) a robot cake. I baked all the cakes and then did the base frosting. Steph came and graciously did the face and the chest decorations since I was panicky that it would stink. Anyway...behold.

water gun fight

run Mummi run!


putting candles on the cake

6...he's 6?!!!


the cousins help

yes his grandparents got him a knock knock book. we might forgive them

funny face

Batman puzzle!
A good time was had by all!