Monday, August 22, 2011

Bruce's birthday actual

We celebrated Bruce being officially Six today with the zoo, presents and cupcakes!

we're just eating lunch- oh and check out the giraffe behind us....LOVE THAT

miss Leah and Zion chillin with us at the zoo

carousel  ride

rock star

eliot loved riding on the horsey, here he is trying to get back on!
Present time!

mario kart for the wii!


oh my goodness, drama queen 

blowing out the candles on the strawberry cupcake!

Fun with grandparents and cousins!

A great deal of fun was had this weekend at grammie and grandpas:

picking blackberries w/ gram:


Tractor rides...

Just standing around near daddy...
I want to learn t-ball!

Super soaking madness...Grampie and Brucie square off...


Family party

Friday night we had a very belated birthday party for Grammie. Good times and many many pictures were taken.
auntie Chrissy and Lexi

(great)  Mary

grampie and his littlest grand daughter

baby smiles

smoking some pulled pork!
little hams

Auntie Julie and sweet Izzy

Izzy and her great gram

worn out!

all the grand children 2 great grams and a great-great aunt

singing happy b-day to gram

Bruce turns Six!

Bruce had a birthday party with his NH cousins Saturday. We took him on a train ride with gramps, gram and the NH Cousins. pretty good times were had by all.

The happy birthday boy and popeye the sailer girl ;)

Grammie and Lex

grampie and HK

got a hold on daddy

mama and baby

modeling our $2 sunglasses

grammie and Lily girl


strawberry cake with chocolate frosting and strawberries on top, as requested

super soaker. oh my