Sunday, June 19, 2011


Saturday night was the big night, Gillian's first recital!


looking very old (in make-up!)

Eliot enjoyed some great attention from adoring little girls

waiting for their turn in the que

Elephants on parade!

Lily going between the other dancers

Grammie brought her fresh picked flowers, she was thrilled

my sweet little dancing girl!

Friday, June 17, 2011

9 months!

Nine months old and loving life! I crawl, I eat stuff, I have 2 bottom teeth. I rock!

cool shades

look at those big almost brown eyes!

looking good in my jeans and baseball shirt and bare toesies


a common pose

A preview of things to come....

There is a dance recital tomorrow...oh yes, and some baby elephants will steal the show ;)
the trunk

waiting to go back stage

prettiest elephant I've ever seen....

watching the other dancers rehearse

Friday, June 3, 2011


My sweety youngest baby boy....
little hands holding on as he learns to stand
sweet little toes
holding on tight...
sweet as can be....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More of the birthday girl

bonding with mummi

modeling the new glove some more

so cute it makes a nice hat

the sweet girl in new sunglasses and a mama-made hat (more hats here)

how to have a heart to heart when you're wearing sunglasses

hammock time!

she grew 4 inches since last birthday (according to the door ;))

Memorial day weekend

Scenes from the weekend of fun family times...
daddy made some majorly cool bubbles

lily plays catch w/ daddy

the birthday glove
ollie loves baseball

sweet brotherly love

t-ball w/ daddy and pappa

some bonding in the hammock

it was a long fun weekend, but tiring ;)

Lily turns 4

Miss Lily turned 4 this past weekend. There was a party in Maine!

party princess

Papa cooked up the grub, grampa made the long trip per the sweet request of the birthday girl.
supper time!
grammie trying to coax ollie to eatl

Emmaus knows how to take a break at a party in style

opening presents, Bruce was the card reader
sometimes there was a lot of help....

modeling the party favor hats, mama sewed

dessert time!

chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (homemade) and chocolate ice cream (not) as requested. ;)

um, chocolate anyone?

Baseball lessons

We decided against paying for cable so we could watch every red sox game. Every so often we DO get a game on a normal network with our antenna. It's a big deal, and luke takes that time to indoctrinate our children with the love of baseball and the Red Sox in particular. We have a team set of baseball cards that comes out during the game so we can see who's on first, or up to bat (although it wasn't a complete team set, we must work on that). Anyway, this particular night Bruce learned that we always root for the Red Sox and AGAINST the yankees. Sometimes parenting is so much fun ;)

Lily looking for who's at bat

daddy explains the game, (it's different rules than T-ball ya-know?!)

baby boy wants in on the action

go Red Sox!