Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Yesterday after we did a little schooling, we made some chocolate brownie roll out cookies, in heart shapes of course. Even Eliot helped and we had a really good time ;) (and ps, these cookies are so yummy..mmm)
ready to add to the pan
mushing it back up to roll out again
so much fun! (later he had a suspicious flour mustache and he and Ollie were a bit wound up at dance....hmmmm)
cutting it out!
ta da!

Museum visit

I needed to drop off my kitchen aid in Salem last week to be fixed, so we coordinated the trip to also visited the Peabody Essex Museum. Lucky for us our friends met us there.

Sharing snacks

rest stop 
Zion and mama

There were boat models and art and artifacts from Japan and China....lots of neat rooms

Last stop- the kids and family room with activities

the favorite activity was the build a duck exhibit

or blocks for the under 2 crowd
mmm tasty

Lily's duck

Bruce and Ollie's creation

best buds playing together