Saturday, February 28, 2009


we went sledding wednesday morning with the neighbors at a local park. Pics from the gleeful arrival at the hill

snow angel!

Chris and Caleb

Ollie, bundled and snuggled into the sling under mama's coat. slept through most of the event

Lily shows the way to fun (though she wasn't that ino sledding on this steep a hill afterall)

getting ready to ride up the hill in the sled

here we go- up to the top.

Annnnddd... the war wound, from taking the last jump on the last run a bit high and flipping out of the tube to scrape up his face. Mama yelled shake it off shake it off on her way to retrieve him (then starting frettting when she saw blood and scrapes and what appeared to be a black and blue coming on....)

Although he went down every run by himself, and almost always hit a jump, catching some mighty air, only the last run resulted in a flipping over accident. And all caught on video by mama...perhaps some of the better video will make it online sometime

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two months old

I turned 2 months old last friday. woo hoo I rock!

awesome socks, don't you agree?

Ollie n' the grands

I didn't need a haircut from mummi, but I did need cuddles from my grands last weekend!

naptime with papa

Brucie's haircut

Got my haircut by mummi this weekend
waiting my turn...

the pre-haircut look sported by the sis and I

ta da- thanks Mummi, I'm studly again

Lily's haircut

Got my haircut by mummi this past weekend

escape attempt

ta-da such a pretty little girl

Thanks Mummi!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life with Ollie

Visited the pediatrician today
I'm weighing in at 12lbs 2 ozs (right up the middle of the graph- 50% or so)
24 inches long ( about 75%)
she said I am healthy and strong and handsome, nothing my parents didn't already know ;)

I've had a cold for a while now, sometimes it makes me grumpy, but usually I'm cheerful

The smiley boy

here I am being talkative, I like to make lots of eye contact and "talk"
when I got sad the other day, my sibs pulled their chairs next to me so I could see them and they would smile and be nice to me between staring at the tv and eating bagel
sticking my tongue out us a favored pastime

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

valentines day baking

We baked all day while daddy was at work for a Valentines day surprise for him
the merry bakers

the chocolate cupcakes all mixed and in the pan- and Lily helped :)

modeling our cards for daddy-also homemade

triple chocolate espresso bean cookies from mama

the baked product (obviously not all the cupcakes are pictured)

the final product, with homemade dark chocolate frosting!

it was delicious!

Tea time with the neighbor

Tea time with Isabel, and REAL tea cups/saucers, tea pots and creamer pitchers

Life with Lily

mmmm smoothies are yummy

her cool hair

showing off her style

rocking out on electric guitar (she must have a pick. "I need pick daddy" a purple one is preferable)
outdoor adventures with daddy, she's daddy's girl

tea time beauty

tea party w/ mommy (actual tea in sippy cup...and mmm chocolate)

me too....."playing" gamecube
rocking her baby doll AND her urban/hip-hop look
pretty in pink, with a rowdy headband