Friday, December 10, 2010

We need a little Christmas

Thanksgiving weekend we put up our tree...its lovely
silly Lily and the lights

helping to decorate

the train tracks peeking form under the tree while the boys decorate

trying to put the star up

finishing touches

blurry but still cute


Congrats Uncle Ricky!

Last week uncle Ricky graduated form Police Academy. Pretty awesome.
Eliot and mama representing the family. this is Eliot's you better obey the law face (and handsome suit as well)

looking all official in his uniform

getting his certificate and also an award! woo hoo mr Motivation


catching up on our past few weeks...
reading a map (can you see the turtle trying to sneak a peek?)

mama gorilla and her brand new baby (hard to see the little guy/gal)

bruce takes a pic of mama and the baby and miss Lily

ollie and daddy by Bruce

he looks like a garden knome, yes?