Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas number two- NH

The christmas tree at grammie and grampas was admired by more than just the grandkids...
fuzzy jammies from the cousins
spiderman snowboots- extra awesome!

grammie gets her handmade table runner w/ rocking kiddie art
the blue beetle. such a hit its not left his hands except for sleeping time
Lily concentrating on opening her beautiful jewlery
Ollie slept through nearly all of Christmas, but got up in time to open his own presents

Ollie testing out trader joes wheat crisps

First of the Christmas-es

Christmas eve morning we did our family Christmas:
stockings all in a row
a decorated tree overflowing with goodies. Luke put together some awesome super hero rockets and carriers out of his old contrux he dug out of his parent's shed. Now the kids have more building material and Luke has nostalgia ;)
Ollie, still sleepy and working out what all just happened
one of daddy's old transformer toys, more awesomeness from the 80's gifted to Bruce
Gillian the giraffe opens a puzzle :) the costume was a hit
the first of 4 Christmas celebrations. It was sweet and fun. they liked a lot of their presents right away and we realized that once again, there was plenty ;)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ollie's birthday shindig

Yesterday it was my happy birthday party. In a snowstorm, just like when I was born
Bruce helped me open the first present
which had my very own sippy cup. my favorite present. I never let go of it the rest of the time (and clothes but I didn't care about those!)
then Lily helped me open the (regifted as he'd never seen it before) drum that lights up when I hit it and plays music. cool
then carrot cake cupcake with frosting. (I really wanted the fire on the candle, mom wouldn't let me have it, bah to her)
then I was wiped. to bed I went
everyone else partied! (it's good having neighbors in the same building, because no one else could drive in the snowstorm to get to the party but we had a rowdy time anyway with the neighbors!)
Paul and the new puppies
homemade egg nog (which Ollie got to test taste mmmm)
rocking out to christmas carols:
Pascha and ginger the dog
the band leader and his helpful assistants
A party was had. good food (mmm whoopie pies, oh yeah and soup and biscuits) and rowdy friends and lots of happyness. A perfect snow day birthday party!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

we're still alive

A little recap:

Ollie turned 11 months. he's healthy. he was almost 20 lbs and about 39 inches. he's adorable. Tomorrow he turns 1 ;) more on that, you know, after tomorrow!
we had thanksgiving in maine. we ate alot. we visited family. it was cool
grammie and grandpa started a humane society in their house. well, not exactly, they just rescued 3 kittens....which have become 3 more grandkids. (what are you going to do with empty nesters ;)? )
auntie and jarrod got engaged! yipeee!
we got to visit with great grammie. she;'s fun.
sorry we've been slacking! more to come