Thursday, April 28, 2011

Of Dyed Easter Eggs and what becomes of them

The GORGEOUS eggs as the kids ended up calling them. I agree

some of Bruce's favorite

Lily's favs

of course once Easter is over, they become PICNIC food! Whole

some of the picnic crew, Grammie came for a visit, woo hoo!

Little man

easter eggs as egg salad on homemade bread (with homemade mayo) mama's favorite option

post-picnic playground fun

mama and her littlest babe (thanks grammie!)

Easter Fun part 1

We celebrated Easter in Maine with the Maine cousins. We dressed up for church (though we didn't end up there long....that's another story) then back to mummi and pappa's for Easter madness with the family!
As many as were around and would pose at the time

Hiding eggs was VERY fun for mama and the other easter bunnies

Easter bunny Spring

HURRY UP Auntie, the rain is starting! (Luckily it just sprinkled then passed over)

Finding the loot

so sweet in that dress!

once he got into the spirit of things, Oliver was thrilled
like a little easter fairy or something, such a cutie

they really right into it!

gabe doesn;t pose so I got a sneaky pic of his hunting

the loot

Easter in Maine part 2

Lunch time with ham and lamb and so much delicious food was followed by good old fashioned playing around outside, including wiffle ball with grandparents!
decked out table

The Bubbles were a HUGE hit!

I turned 7 months.

So this is a little late, but hey, better than never ;)

Watch out! I'm going to be crawling soon!

happy go-lucky

big smile, or also my "will devour anything put near my mouth face"

7 months cute. I'm not much heftier than last month due to a nasty cold I shared with y siblings, but otherwise I am healthy and awesome!

Baby Kisses and Brotherly Love

I'm a big happy cuddly boy!
being a charmer

kissing auntie

Ollie loves to give me BIG kisses


MMWWWWWAHHHHH I gave him kisses!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bonus time with the Maine Cousins

Daddy and Uncle Rich had some worky stuff to do together so we got a bonus trip to Maine on sunday-monday.

Eliot bonding with Mummi

Gabe gabe

bruce the circus performer watches the grownups play cards and the boys play ipad

those cutie toes, those chubby thighs, that adorable baby boy

a most common facial expression nowadays. wildly happy and adventurous

it's hard work farming this snowy land they tell us

the "bad bee" causing trouble while the soldier attempts to chase him down

pint sized cuteness (in a ed sox thrift shop find!)

tea time with Mummi

tea hat

and cookies and apples too

dress up!

quite a crew of littles!