Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fun with friends

We went a-visiting to our friends house yesterday. Helena and Odessa's mommy took some nice pictures of us (mama slacked off, brought her camera and never used it!)

Odessa offering Ollie her water. he was pleased
Bruce and Helena, who got along swimmingly by the 2cd half of the visit
Odessa mimicking the older kids by playing with Lily's hat
Ollie is used to helping us one handed
hee hee, these friends are fun!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One month check-up

I had my one month check-up last thursday.

Our lovely Nurse-Practitioner was impressed with my excellent eye contact skills, my tracking skills, my super-strength and my growth. I am 10lbs 4 ozs and 22 inches. That is about 50-55% for my age group.

Plus, I'm studly

Like my digs? Got em with money from gram and gramps, including the socks. I'm a good dresser


Grammie hasn't gotten to see us much lately, so we all took advantage of some time with her for bonding

Ollie gets his grammie cuddles

Lily gets her cuddles in

a little chat with grammie

rocking the Patriots gear

such a little stud

Grammie and all her grandkids


Sledding with grampa

After sleeping over at gram and gramps, saturday we hung with our cousins. Grampa took us out sledding while mama, grammie and ollie stayed inside (where it was warm and there were snacks)
Lily in her outdoor get-up, she can almost walk in it too....almost

now those are some good looking grandkids! Look at all that pink, thank goodness for Ollie, or Bruce would have been overwhelmed with girl relatives ;)

mush grampie, mush

off to the hill
post sledding snack time, round 1 (Hannah Kate AKA HK)

Lexi and Lily

chilling with grampie. She was grampie's girl that weekend, sitting with him all the time, "directing" everyone else in their undertakings from the chair or the couch

Grampie and the grandkids eating popcorn (I didn't dare go anywhere near those bowls, Imight have been bit or had my hands mistaken as food...yikes)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Auntie's birthday

Friday Night was auntie Julie's birthday so we went to NH and had dinner with everyone

Here's auntie with Ollie and Lexi

Look ma, I can fly!
Ollie showing off his thumb sucking skills. He manages to find his thumb quite often

big grins for the camera

Auntie Chrissy, Uncle Rj and you can see the whole gang was there minus Daddy who had to work friday and saturday so couldn't join us

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A month old

I was half smiling for this pose....I'm a smiley guy

looking studly in my pj's

One month old, how time flies

the 3 amigos...I was done posing


Post bundling for the trek into the great outdoors (aka the backyard)
Ollie bundled and in the sling
my kung fu is strong

your kung-fu is weak...
that's alot of snow!

The upstairs neighbor, Isabel and of course Lily and Brucie..very cute

Baby love

Oliver last monday
Lily kissing Ollie, and look, a mama and baby pic!
Ollie when he was only 2 weeks old at Chutes...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More grampa pics

Grampie sent more pics form his visit the other day:
trying on his tie (after nearly choking him with it)

very sweet (and making grammie jealous)