Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas with the Maine Cousins (Part 2)

Because you need even more pictures of the awesome that is a cousin Christmas party...

Dueling Kindle devices for they that started this crazy family....

baby doll in an outfit mummi made
books from Mummi
coffee for the uncle

apps for the Iphone
 Hula Hoop madness:
 Gabriel and auntie Steph wear it well

Molly looks fabulous with a bow and a hula hoop

doing tricks, says Gabe

Eliot playing with a hula hoop

Logan giving it a twirl
 baskets of goodies were curtesy of Steph and family

 Auntie Spring charming the youngest nephews

 chillin with uncle Rich
 whatchya doin' Molly?
As you can see, we had quite a bit of fun!

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