After sleeping over at gram and gramps, saturday we hung with our cousins. Grampa took us out sledding while mama, grammie and ollie stayed inside (
where it was warm and there were snacks)Lily in her outdoor get-up, she can almost walk in it too....almost

now those are some good looking grandkids! Look at all that pink, thank goodness for Ollie, or Bruce would have been overwhelmed with girl relatives ;)

mush grampie, mush

off to the hill

post sledding snack time, round 1 (Hannah Kate AKA HK)

Lexi and Lily

chilling with grampie. She was grampie's girl that weekend, sitting with him all the time, "directing" everyone else in their undertakings from the chair or the couch

Grampie and the grandkids eating popcorn (I didn't dare go anywhere near those bowls, Imight have been bit or had my hands mistaken as food...yikes)