Yesterday it was my happy birthday party. In a snowstorm, just like when I was born

Bruce helped me open the first present

which had my very own sippy cup. my favorite present. I never let go of it the rest of the time (and clothes but I didn't care about those!)

then Lily helped me open the (
regifted as he'd never seen it before) drum that lights up when I hit it and plays music. cool

then carrot cake cupcake with frosting. (I really wanted the fire on the candle, mom wouldn't let me have it, bah to her)

then I was wiped. to bed I went

everyone else partied! (it's good having neighbors in the same building, because no one else could drive in the snowstorm to get to the party but we had a rowdy time anyway with the neighbors!)
Paul and the new puppies

homemade egg nog (which Ollie got to test taste mmmm)

rocking out to christmas carols:


Pascha and ginger the dog

the band leader and his helpful assistants

A party was had. good food (mmm whoopie pies, oh yeah and soup and biscuits) and rowdy friends and lots of happyness. A perfect snow day birthday party!